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Public Offer Agreement

While effecting a purchase at the online shop, the customer agrees to the following conditions.

The individual (or the legal entity) on the one part, hereinafter referred to as «Customer», and sole proprietorship Semenova A. Y. on the other part, hereinafter referred to as «Seller», have concluded the contract on the following:

1. General provisions

1.1. This contract is a public offer and contains all the essential conditions of remote sales arrangement (i.e. via the online shop).

1.2. When agreeing to the conditions of this Contract (i.e. public offer of the online shop), the individual accepting the offer becomes the Customer. The offer is accepted by means of the payment of the Article according to the conditions of this Contract.

2. Subject of the Contract

2.1. The Seller undertakes to transfer the Article to the possession of the Customer, while the Customer undertakes to pay and accept the Article according to the conditions of this Contract. 

2.2. This Contract conditions the online shop’s sales, including:

a) Customer’s voluntary choice of the Article at the online shop;

b) Customer’s independent order’s placement at the online shop;

c) Customer’s payment for the order, placed at the online shop;

d) execution and transfer of the order to the Customer’s possession according to the conditions of this Contract.

3. Ordering information

3.1. The customer places the order at the online shop independently.

4. Price and payment information

4.1. Prices at the online shop are stated in US dollars for an item of the Article. The Article’s price at the online shop is given with the delivery cost. The Article’s price on the Web-site can be modified by the Seller unilaterally. Mean while the price of the Article ordered by the Customer is not liable to modify.

4.2. The Customer pays for the order by any method, chosen at the online shop, at least 3 hours before the delivery in Russia and at least 12 hours before deliveries to other countries. The order is paid after the order acceptance confirmation at full prepayment.

4.3. Articles to be delivered in Russia can be paid for cash down at the moment of transferring the Article to the Customer, or at prepayment while placing the order using:

  • Bank cards VISA, VISA Electron, MasterCard (including MasterCard Electronic), Cirrus Maestro.
  • PayPal payment system

For executing payments with the bank card: 1) the card should activated to execute payments via Internet (it is defined by the emitting bank); 2) if the emitting bank charges commission oк other fees for payments and currency conversion, these costs will be charged to the Customer’s account.

Payment are executed in dollars.

When executing the payment using the bank card and in case of the Seller’s request to verify the cardholder’s identity and competence to use the card, the Customer undertakes to provide copies of passport’s two pages containing a photo, and a copy of the bank card from both sides (the card’s number must be closed except for last four digits), according to International payment system rules. 

The Seller reserves the right to cancel the order without providing reasons for it, particularly in case the Customer fails to provide necessary documents (their scans sent by fax or e-mail) or there are doubts in their authenticity.

The order’s cost is refunded the owner’s card within 5 banking days, according to processing company’s refund conditions.

5. Delivery information

5.1. The delivery date is stated by the Customer while placing the order.

5.2. The delivery of the ordered Article is executed on specific day and time at the stated address to the person, stated by the Customer as the Recipient of the Article while placing the order. When ordering deliveries to other countries the possibility to complete the delivery on state holidays and days-off should be confirmed by the manager.

5.3. The delivery is executed after transferring full prepayment to the Seller’s account.

6. Article return information

6.1. In case of receiving Customer’s reasonable Article’s quality claim, and if the Seller fails to comply with his duties, the Seller refunds the payment or replaces the Article within 24 hours after receiving the claim. In case of out-of-time delivery of the Article, the Seller recovers the Customer’s expenses. The amount and the method of the recovery are subject to agree in each case.   

7. Rights and duties

7.1. The Customer’s duties are:

a) to place the order at the online shop;

b) to pay and to receive the ordered Article in time according to the conditions of this contract;

c) to undertake to pay the customs duty in case the corresponding legislation is effective. 

7.2. The Customer’s right is to demand Seller’s compliance with the conditions of this Contract.

7.3. In case the person receiving the Article (the Recipient) and the Customer are two different persons, the Customer should state the postal address, at which he receives documents issued by the Seller according to the effective legislation of Russian Federation on remote sales.

7.4. The Seller’s duties are:

a) to comply with the conditions of this Contract;

b) to transfer the Article to the Customer according to the model chosen at the online shop, placed order and conditions of this Contract;

c) to bear full responsibility for the Customer to execute the order before transferring the order to the Customer or to the person stated in the order (the Recipient);

d) the Seller does not bear responsibility, cannot respond in the court, and does not award damages, which occur due to action or inaction of third parties;

e) the Seller does not bear responsibility in case of the Customer’s wrong choice of the Article’s features and revisions, being the subject of the sales Contract;

f) the Seller guarantees that the Article transferred to the Customer is of proper quality, is not used, and complies with hygiene and sanitary standards of Russian Federatiuon.

8. Parties’ liability

8.1. In case of act of God parties are discharged from execution of the Contract.

8.2. The parties make the maximal efforts to eliminate disagreements only by means of negotiations. Otherwise the Contract may be dissolved.

9. Term of the Contract

9.1. This Contract is effective since the date of it is published on web-site.


Online shop details

Sole proprietorship Semenova A. Y.
456658, Chelyabinsk region,
Kopeysk, 5 «A» Prizovaya street
Transaction account: 40802810838090009436
In «Alfa-Bank» OAO
Correspondent account: 30101810100000000964
Tax reference number: 741110072685
PSRN: 324745600000728
Bank identification code: 046577964P